Whenever you are planning for the perfect vacation getaway, your budget can turn out to be a big hurdle between you and your dream destination. Hotel bills can potentially exhaust all your vacation funds and ruin all the desired fun. To manage expenses effectively and maximize the fun out of your vacations, consider the following 10 ways for saving up!
1. Stick to Your Budget Limit
First and foremost, sort your finances, draft up a proper budget limit, and clarify your priorities. When you have a specific amount set aside, it is easier to plan up your vacation spending within the limit. Most importantly, stick to the decided limit and you will not have to worry about building up on debt or compromising on other planned entertainment. If you are up for maximum entertainment, fine dining, and shopping, you could opt for a cheaper accommodation since you will not be spending much time in the hotel room anyways.
2. Stay in the Hotel during Off-Season
During the off-season, travelling can cost you a lot less. The hotels offer discounts, there are fewer crowds, and you can easily go sightseeing. If you have a flexible schedule and travel during the off-season, it could work to your advantage. Another handy tip, stay during the midweek to save up on costs.
3. Do the Hotel and Flight Reservation Together
A number of websites like Expedia give you the option to save money by booking the hotel along with the flight reservation. Look up such sites and do one reservation to save up on the combined costs.
4. Research Hotel Prices Online in Advance
Hotel prices tend to vary from day to day and room to room. You would definitely want to look up the prices online and know exactly what you are up for. Doing research beforehand can help you keep off trouble in the long-run and plan easily. If the stay may get extended, shortened, or there is a peak night in between, cost considerations can be made accordingly. So book wisely, and make sure that the hotel bill is adjusted accordingly.
5. Put Social Media to Good Use
Social media has completely altered the ways hotels compete and market their services. Quite often special sales and discount offers are given on social media pages to attract more people, improve brand image, and win more customers. You can join these pages on popular social media and networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest and promote the hotel or participate in their activities to win packages and discounts.
6. Choose Places where Kids Can Eat and Stay for Free
Look for hotels that allow kids to stay with their parents in a room. In fact, it would be better if you can find hotels that give kids-free-stay incentives. If the hotel offers free meals for the kids or complimentary breakfast, it could bring down the costs for you!
7. Opt for Eating in
Food can cost you a major chunk of money when you are on a family vacation. The best way to save up is eating in your hotel room. Most rooms would have an in-room refrigerator or a mini-bar. You can get this clear and stock it up with the basic snacks items and drinks such as milk, yogurt, soft drinks and fruit. Soda and soft drinks from the store would cost you less and cereal breakfast could go a long way.
8. Join a Loyalty Program
To encourage customers to visit and stay in same hotel several hotels offer free loyalty programs. You can search these up and join up a few shortlisted ones of your choice. Participating in these programs could get you free rooms for future vacations.
9. Consider Booking a Club Level
Some hotels have the options of a club level. When you book a room at the club level, you can take advantage of several amenities available at this level. The added cost of the room of the level would be justified by the offered amenities.
10. Look out For Deals and Coupons
Get creative with your booking and sign up for sites that offer deals and coupons on hotels. Getting a few of these coupons could help you keep your cash in your pockets for longer.